Women’s International Day Kicks Off Month-Long Celebration

By Carly Polay

Women’s International Day has been celebrated March 8th of every year since 1909. First declared a national holiday in 1917, it is still celebrated in many countries throughout the world. In fact, the entire month of March is known as “Women’s History Month.”

All throughout March, women are highlighted for their contributions to the events in the past and the present. This month of celebration is observed in America, the United Kingdom and Australia. Canada also celebrates women, but they do so in October. Although this month is very important, “Women’s International Day” is more popularly known.

This day is meant to celebrate and respect women for their economic, political, social, and other achievement. Each year, a certain theme is set for the day. This year, the theme was “Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality.”

Gender equality is slowly getting better, but women in many places are still not treated fairly in the workplace and in everyday situations. Women’s International Day is meant to celebrate and show that women can change the world just as much as men can.

“Women’s International Day is extremely important for honoring women and all their accomplishments. It is also a day to give strength to women who are still fighting for basic rights in various countries,” says senior Michelle Gabriel.