In 2025, everyone loves using social media. It is very common and popular among many different audiences. With using social media comes the risks of losing your data and potentially getting hacked. If random people are able to guess your password or get you to click a link your data and identity could be in jeopardy. Recently, the popular app Snapchat has had a mass amount of hackers. Here is how you can avoid falling for their scams.
Most of the time, hackers find a way into someone’s Snapchat or Instagram account and ask people they are friends with on these platforms for various things. Freshman Lori Laborda said, “My friends get hacked all the time. Last week someone asked me to Venmo them like $150 and it was someone I don’t talk to usually so I assumed it was a hacker.” Lori avoids getting her account hacked by not clicking on links that random people send her and making her password hard for hackers to guess.
It is fairly easy to catch a hacker by noticing key things that most hackers do. Some of the things hackers often ask for are phone numbers, personal information, money, or to click on a link. Hackers try to talk in a formal way with perfect punctuation and grammar, which many teens do not text their friends with. So, if any of these indicators are found, don’t respond and do not give them what they are looking for.
Once a hacker has made his or her way into someone’s account, it can be very hard for the person to get it back. If hacked, the person inside your phone would have access to everything that you are able to see on the app, including pictures, old conversations, private information, and more. If you are hacked, you can email Team Snapchat to get your account back, but keep in mind that you might have to completely restart your account from scratch if this is unsuccessful.
While hacking is scary and extremely common, there are precautionary measures we can take to prevent it from getting out of control. Remember, if something doesn’t seem right and you believe you might be hacked, stay calm, don’t respond to the messages, and seek help from the platform’s team.