The Loud and Proud Echo Chamber of Noise: Valley’s SDA Concludes

By Anzor Mustafa, Staff Writer

Like the Montagues and Capulets, or more appropriately, Taylor Swift and Kayne West, the Wayne Hills and Wayne Valley rivalry stands the test of time. This rivalry is never more active than during SDA.

The props, lights, music, and dances enshrine an enduring tradition in Wayne. Every year the Student Dance Association (SDA) puts on a 3-day performance for their respective school on a Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. This year Wayne Valley’s SDA was on April 27-29.

Similarly to Hills, Valley SDA is split into two teams: white and blue. So, the three-day event culminates on Saturday when a winner is announced. This year’s theme was “Amination Studios,” with dances inspired by various popular animated movies. There was Tangled; Moana; The Incredibles; Inside Out; Monsters, Inc.; and more.

Most of the similarities between Wayne Valley and Hills’ SDA end there. Because, although in the same town, each school has completely different rituals and norms.

One stark difference was that the dancers had to scream throughout the dance.  The purpose of this was to get the crowd excited, and it worked, but, though most of the music could not be heard.  The moments where the yelling added nuance to the dance quickly became overwhelmed by the shouting and families’ whistles.

However, it must be noted that their audience was also noticeably loud. Valley prioritized engaging with the audience and getting them to cheer for their team—and it definitely met the criterion. This enkindled a very eccentric atmosphere that allowed for moments of SDA spirit from people who otherwise may not care. I found myself cheering for people I did not even know.

“I think both overalls were amazing dancers and contributed to the dance, greatly. I did not like how the White team walked out after not winning because they are still one school,” said, senior Mia Rivera.

While Wayne Hills dancers had to walk in quietly, Valley allowed them to come in jumping. The purpose of this is to get everyone exhilarated; however, it led to less anticipation for the dances. The efforts to galvanize the crowds allowed for great moments. Some of the best moments of SDA are when the crowd goes wild after a particularly intricate, and cool part of the dance. These moments were rare because of the chamber of noise that was SDA pride. 

Nonetheless – the dances were profoundly well-done and extremely well-rehearsed. The dances were filled with arduous tricks and moments of unionism that were executed perfectly. Valley had projected moving images on the ground which added to the overall vibe of the dance. And costumes and props were very accurate to the movies, creating an immersive experience when watching the dances.

Sophomore Lucia Nesbitt contended, “Although Valley’s SDA was very good, it was also very different than what I’m used to.”

The hard work and dedication should be honored by the talented dancers from Valley.