“Pippin” Opens at Wayne Hills

Junior Madelyn Colucci in her opening night T-shirt!

By Stephanie Tulpan, Staff Writer

Members of the Wayne Hills Theater Program are running lines, cleaning up their dance moves, and singing their hearts out as they get ready for opening night of this year’s spring musical, Pippin

You can come view Hills’ production of Pippin this Thursday and Friday at 7pm, and on Saturday at 2pm and 7pm. It is an adaptation of the 1972 musical created by Bob Fosse and Roger O. Hirson, featuring Fosse’s renowned jazz dance moves and the piece’s alternative twist on traditional musical tunes. 

According to the Director of the program, Mr. Fleissner, what makes this year’s musical different from past productions we’ve put on here at Hills is that it is “a play within a play”. It explores the main character, Pippin, and his journey during which he climbs towards manhood and works to prove himself great. He is faced with many tough decisions along the way as ideas of glory, romanticism, and heroism are introduced to him, and in the end, he must choose between the greatness he has always desired or a tempting, newfound love. 

With the help of Mr. Easse, the Musical Director, Mrs. Getzke, the Head Choreographer, and the crew members, this production was set up to be something amazing from the beginning. However, what has really made this musical come to life is the cast. 

The cast took the time to carefully study the role they are playing, in order to portray their character as accurately as possible. Whether they are a nobleman, a soldier, or Pippen himself, each character contributes a unique talent to the show. Mr. Fleissner added, “There’s some really talented individuals in the cast, so that’s impressive.”

There is tons of talent among the cast, as well as the crew and faculty who helped make this show happen. All who are a part of the spring musical have been working day and night to successfully execute Pippin in its most entertaining form, and it is definitely worth the watch. 

So, come see what this year’s spring musical is all about! Tickets are being sold at the door every night for $15. Mr. Fleissner wants all who are attending to know that if the program did their jobs well, “You should expect to be entertained, that’s for sure.”