The Most Legendary Show Yet: SDA on Mount Olympus!

Lauren Faltas

Senior Ava Yannuzzi dances in White Tap.

By Stephanie Tulpan, Staff Writer

This year’s SDA show was beautiful and bizarre, magical and mythological: SDA on Mount Olympus! 

Each dance on Maroon and White told the story of a different god, goddess, or creature from Greek Mythology. The dancers put on a show with music to give us goosebumps; they wore eye-catching costumes, and brought out awe-inspiring props to make the crowd roar with excitement. 

For the first time since 2020, the White Team took home the victory. Fans of the White Team fell in love with Aphrodite’s sweet nothings and Apollo’s earthy songs; they were on the edge of their seats at Hercules’s suspenseful journey and were awe-struck by Zeus’ powerful bolts of lightning. 

Like White, the Maroon Team represented four unique Greek legends. They took us on a journey through Poseidon’s domain and the depths of the underworld where Hades lives; they steered clear of Medusa’s slithering friends and used Athena’s strength and wisdom to put up a good fight. 

Both Maroon and White Pom had a unique element that especially caught the judges’ eyes.

Captains Ava Cahn and Ange Kuhn took Maroon Pom on an aquatic trip to win the award for Best Costume. They were dressed in Mermaid-esque outfits and sneakers that lit up with every step, while the dancers wore slick azure body suits and Converse All-Stars to match. 

White Pom was recognized for a different but just as appreciative quirk: Best Music. From the beginning of White Pom to the end, LeeAnna Buonpastore and Dani Brunetti told Aphrodite’s story straight from their hearts. Their choices of music encompassed love, infatuation, and more–the award was given to White Pom’s enticing love story. 

Led by Gavin Garolis-Bechtold and Gia Ciccone, Maroon Tap put on a fiery show for the audience. Between their blazing costumes, ground-shaking music, and slick moves, Maroon Tap placed third overall and Gavin and Gia won the award for Best Maroon Solo. 

Before the show, Maroon Overall Mia Kahrar noted that her team “[had] some very cool surprises to get the crowd going in dances.” When Maroon Aerobics took the floor, Mia’s statement came to life. 

Towards the end of the dance, the audience was hit with a fluorescent surprise. Captains Ava Ablaschai and Chelsey Fernicola went out of sight for a brief moment, and then discreetly emerged holding glowing green orbs. Judging from the audience’s gasps of astonishment, no one expected the girls to pop out; and the orbs were the cherry on top of Maroon Aero’s ominous, though alluring, Medusa theme. 

The goddess Athena never loses in battle. With courage in their hearts and weapons in their hands, Mikayla Sevret and Jadyn Nisenson led Maroon Jazz toward the second-place overall win. With their turns, leaps, and sharp movements, the audience was left with goosebumps by the end. 

With the help of the almighty and powerful Zeus, Bella Catania and Sydney Heltzer’s White Jazz dance ruled the show. Their carefully choreographed, captivating performance won White Jazz the first-place title and the award for Best White Solo. 

White Jazz also won the award for Best Prop: a shining staircase for the Captains to oversee their dancers, with Zeus’s throne in the center. And to finish it off with a bang, the White Overall, Ava Yannuzzi, commanded the crowd with Zeus’ life-sized lightning bolt in hand.

However, despite the places at awards, each team undeniably put in their all to make this season a success. 

Rachel Rodis, who has been a part of SDA for four years and was the president of the program this past season, said that the 2023 SDA show was truly a huge success, and gave thanks to everyone who is a part of the program. “We have truly become a family which helped make this year’s show and season run so smoothly,” she said, “Everyone worked tirelessly and put in 100% effort which definitely paid off.” 

Both Overalls, as well as all of the Captains and dancers on Maroon and White, told elaborate and awe-striking stories of their Greek legends from beginning to end. This SDA show was one of the most impressive ones yet, and it is safe to say that SDA did not march up to Mount Olympus to play.