Winter Sports Underway for Wayne Hills

Wayne Hills Girls Basketball team coming together before game time

By Angelique Casaleggio, Staff Writer

As the winter season is underway, many sports are starting up, and others are coming to an end!

After speaking with some of the current members as well as coaches of these teams, It was clear that everyone is determined to perform well and be the best they can this season. 

Winter track’s season is over almost as soon as it began, with their last meeting scheduled for early February. 

Ethan Russ, a member of the track team, mentioned that his team as well as him, have high hopes going into the upcoming county tournament. 

On the other hand, there are also teams here at Wayne Hills like the Ski Team, that have yet to even practice because of the warming climate, making snow hard to stick. When chatting with Head Coach, Peter Strandes, he explained, “It is very annoying for the team, as well as myself, to not be able to get on the mountain since we spent so much time training here at the school for our season to just be pushed back.” The Wayne Hills Ski Team does hope to get on the slopes this week, however. 

As for basketball, the girls are coming in strong with a record of 7-0. “These girls are so talented and athletic,” says Freshman Coach Tobinas regarding the varsity team. Wishing these girls lots of luck moving forward. 

The boys basketball team here at Wayne Hills with a record of 3-4. These boys are very impressive, having only one senior starting, and primarily being a younger team. 

Swim team is doing fantastic with a 5-0 record as well. When speaking to Coach Bayliss, she mentioned, “I am really proud of the swimmers this year, they are really working their hardest and it is truly showing.”