The Activity Fair Returns to Wayne Hills

Courtesy of @whhscounseling on Instagram

By Ben Friedman and Eunho Jung

On Friday, September 24, during lunch block, Wayne Hills High School held its annual Activity Fair in the Gifford Gym. The various clubs and sports at Wayne Hills each had a table to present information about their organization including how to join their respective Google Classroom and exactly what they do. 

Some tables even had candy/treats to share with potential students. The French Club passed out Sour Patch Kids and Jolly Ranchers. The Empowerment Club distributed Dum-Dum Lollipops. The Patriot Press gave out Hershey Kisses. 

Among the several organizations present were the Leo Club, FBLA, DECA, Patriot Press, French Club, Spanish Club, Italian Club, Improv Club, Debate Club, Engineering Club, SDA, Photo Club, Graphic Design Club, Red Cross, Girls Lacrosse, Girls Basketball, Empowerment Club, Gender Sexuality Alliance, and so many more.

Arnav Garg, a member of the Math Club, Engineering Club, and Robotics Club, shared his experience at the Activity Fair. “One of the main downsides of the activity fair was that only a portion of the Gifford Gymnasium was available for use due to the gymnastics equipment. Although it isn’t in the fair’s organizers’ control, it caused a fair amount of crowding for students visiting the clubs and activities. To minimize this congestion, I believe that the school should consider separating the fair into 2 dates: 1 for underclassmen, and 1 for upperclassmen. Another potential solution to address this is two distinguish the two dates based on the subject of the clubs: One can be STEM & business, and the other can be arts, humanities, and languages,Garg said.

Mr. Green, the advisor of the Math Club and Mu Alpha Theta, shared his thoughts on the Activity Fair from a teacher’s perspective: “It was nice to be back in person and be able to talk to interested members face to face!”

When asked what could be improved for the following years, Mr. Green thought “[trying] to have the tables a little bit more spaced out” could make for an even more successful Activity Fair. 

If you are interested in joining any of these clubs, please click here to reach a compiled list of all the clubs available at Wayne Hills.

After a long year apart, now is the best time to get involved and form new connections with fellow peers!