Rudy Giuliani Tests Positive for COVID-19

By Eunho Jung, Assistant Junior Editor

Lo and behold, yet another member of President Donald j. Trump’s inner circle has tested positive for COVID-19. Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s personal attorney and former mayor of New York City, has contracted the coronavirus and been admitted to Georgetown University Medical Center.

On Sunday, Trump tweeted “[Rudy Giuliani] has tested positive for the China Virus.”

Both President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump had the virus in early October. Aside from Giuliani, at least 40 people in Trump’s inner circle have contracted COVID. This can be attributed to the lack of mask wearing and social distancing. 

Giuliani has been traveling the country as part of the President’s ongoing effort to dispute the election results. This past week he was in Michigan and Georgia attending court hearings to turn over the results. On Wednesday, in Lansing, Michigan, he asked one of his witnesses if she would be comfortable removing her mask to speak before the courtroom panel. Despite Giuliani’s request, she continued to wear her mask. Giuliani, who spent hours in the packed courtroom without a mask, would test positive four days later. When talking to the press or attending other events, he is rarely seen wearing a face mask. As of December 6th, there are over 14.8 million coronavirus cases in the United States. It would be basic knowledge to wear a mask and social distance during these dire times, but our own government does not seem to grasp this concept. This pandemic is far from over, and we must follow the CDC’s guidelines. 

Junior Rachel Abraham voiced her concern, “This country will not make it out of this pandemic if our leaders are not following CDC guidelines themselves.” Abraham, like several other high school students, is faced with disappointment over the cancellations of virtually everything. “There are 2,000 people dying each day because of selfish people who refuse to acknowledge other people’s lives and health,” Abraham adds.

In order to endure this pandemic, we must come together as a country and continue to wear masks and social distance. This applies to everyone, including our government.