Upcoming Senior Activities

Seniors Jason Sanfilippo and Jared Cohen at Nanina’s in the Park on May 30.

By Victoria Balduzzi and Bella Ishak

The 2018 – 2019 school year is rapidly coming to a close and this year’s seniors are more than ready for the summer.

During the end of the year, the senior class gets to have some fun amid all the stress of research papers and finals.

The prom was May 30, 2019 at Nanina’s In The Park.  Prom is an exciting event that many look forward to for years. This event marks the end of one’s high school experience before graduation.

“I’m really excited for prom. It stinks that the weather isn’t nicer but nevertheless I’m sure everyone will have fun,” said senior Malisa Genuardi, commenting on the third straight day of torrential afternoon and evening thunderstorms threatening the seniors prom preparations.

Other upcoming senior events include the Awards Assembly on June 4, the 4.0 breakfast on June 7, and the annual Dorney Park trip on June 11. They will spend the day in the amusement park with their classmates.  

“The trip is always a fun thing for seniors to do and I can’t wait to spend the day with my friends having fun,” said senior Francesca Zampella

The Senior class of 2019 will graduate on the Wayne Hills turf field on June 25. The commencement ceremony will begin at 6pm with a crowd full of loved ones.

“It’s really bittersweet that graduation is so soon, just yesterday I feel like we started school, but I’m excited for the next chapter for everyone,” said senior Morgan Ritesma.