Wayne Hills Students Name Favorite Class Taken This School Year


By Ethan Russ, Staff Writer

It has been a long and trying year for many at Wayne Hills. As with every year, there is at least one rough patch in nearly everyone’s year. Whether it’s having several tests in a day or week, a few late-night essays, or even low motivation at points. However, Wayne Hills students have powered through and now there are less than ten school days remaining in the entire year. So let’s look back at some good memories from the year and talk about the favorite classes of the students at Wayne Hills.

Some students surveyed decided to comment on why they liked the class that they chose (responses below):

Moni Sampath (Senior) – Marketing

“Marketing is very interactive. We do a lot of hands-on activities and work with partners so you talk a lot and work with others instead of just listening to lectures all the time.”

Kyle Wojciechowski (Junior) – Film Studies

“Film studies is a very relaxed class with no stress. We get to watch movies. It’s interesting and fun.”

Adnan Bachkhaz (Junior) – Marketing

“Marketing is fun. You get to record and make things and I’m a creative person.”

Andrew Sabeh (Senior) – Entrepreneurship

“I really like entrepreneurship. I would say Peischl is a great teacher. He made the class pretty fun. It was never really a set routine, it was just different every day, which was fun. It mixed things up a little bit.”

Ilian Nunez (Freshman) – Robotics

“I like robotics because we get to build with Legos and it’s just a fun experience.”

Adam Khachane (Senior) – Anatomy and Physiology

“My favorite class was anatomy. I want to be a physical therapist and study exercise science in college. Also, dissecting was fun and I like learning about the human body. Doc is a great teacher and I always smile in that class.”

Of the students that voted, the class that most students chose is Anatomy and Physiology with Dr. Defina. Although this class had the greatest amount of votes, a number of other classes were represented. Wayne Hills has a large number of great classes with tons of benefits and fun experiences. Everyone has different preferences and there is a class for everyone to enjoy.