Student Council Election Process Now Begins: But How do You Apply?

May 28, 2020
As the school year comes to an end, the Student Council election process begins for incoming sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Students can run for positions such as representative, treasurer, secretary, vice president, or president for their grade.
The Student Council election process started on May 22 and information packets (that can be found on the school website on the student council page) are now available.
On June 3rd, student applications will be due. Each student who wants to run in the election must have a signed Student Council contract(to your advisor), answered five questions(to your advisor), and submitted a recent photo with a brief campaign slogan to [email protected]. If a student wants to run for president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer, they must answer three additional questions.
On June 5th, video stump speeches will be due to advisors for review, and they should be under a minute. The speeches will be published on the Video Morning Announcements on June 9th.
Finally, on June 11th each history class will provide a google form where students can vote.
The online distancing advisors, Joseph Turso and Fernanda Saborido, had to make adjustments to the process.
“In the past, speeches would be in person in the auditorium, but now that will be done digitally and available to view on the school website,” says Turso. The biggest change would be that everything is digital and students don’t have the ability to see people in the halls to ask questions or stop by a teacher’s room for info.
Despite this change, students are still encouraged to run for office. However, they should keep in mind that the Student Council is a club that takes character very seriously.
“I would tell anyone who is running to be fearless, be honest, have a vision, be organized, be dedicated, and be a great communicator to start,” says Turso.
Each class has its own two advisors. The Class of 2023 has Kathleen Hornes and Brianne Koribanick. The Class of 2022 has Andrew Poalillo and Claudia Shalago. Lastly, the Class of 2021 has Pam Stomel and Taylor Berkowitz as their advisors. Any student who is thinking of running can contact them using the emails below.
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
“Student council represents the voice of the student body. It should serve as more than a fund-raising body, and more a liaison between multiple parties: students & community; students and administration; students & students,” Turso stated.