2018 Senior Class Events

More stories from Lara Onuk

Student of the Month
April 18, 2018

More stories from Aisha Siddiqui

Student of the Month
April 18, 2018

Senior year is an unforgettable time for the graduating class. Numerous memorable events take place during the year including the Fashion Show, Prom, the Senior Trip, and Project Graduation. All of these activities create memories seniors will likely hold onto forever and will have special significance since many of their high school friends will be departing to college next year. 

The next event coming soon is the Fashion Show, which will be held March 14th at “The Grove” in Cedar Grove.

“I have been to The Grove multiple times for different occasions… It’s a really nice place” Jennifer Conklin, senior, said.   Participating students will be able to get dressed up and will be walking out with a partner as well as a group of 4-6 friends of their choice. To be eligible to walk in the fashion show your Project Graduation fees must be paid. The Class of 2018 Project Graduation Committee- President Jaime Lillis, Vice- President Traci Tulipano, Treasurer Ana Dominquez, and Secretaries Laurie Lloyd and Erica Strother- have been working hard at weekly meetings, discussing how students will pose on the runway and other important information. 

Prom is another experience that many seniors look forward to in their life. As prom season approaches, many students are planning their “prom-posals,” which is when students pick their date and ask them in a cute and creative way.

“I’ve been looking forward to prom ever since freshman year! I already have my dress so I can’t wait,” says Anna Badami.  Like the Fashion Show, Prom will be held at The Grove; it is scheduled for June 14th, shortly before the Seniors graduate on June 25th.

Following graduation, seniors will participate in Project Graduation – a drug and alcohol-free, chaperoned celebration following graduation ceremonies. It is an annual tradition intended to provide a safe atmosphere for the Senior class after graduation. This will be the last big party that the majority of the students will attend together. The cost of Project Graduation is approximately $200 per student but the $40 Commitment fees have been paid from Freshman to Sophomore year. The total due by the end of Junior year was $120.

Since the location of Project Graduation is always a mystery, seniors speculate as to where it might be.  “I really wonder where they are taking us this year!” says Jillian Schear.

The end of the year is a bittersweet moment for each year’s Senior class, but, as aforementioned, these events will build memories that the students will remember long after they leave WHHS.