Student check-ins

By Eddie Brim

Although the first marking period is winding down, the work is piling up. However, every student handles it differently. Some may be perfectly calm with the work, while other are stressing over it and losing sleep. Right now is the most stressful time in the marking period, because in an effort to get more grades in, the teachers will give you essay after essay and test after test. Most students struggle trying to get all their work done well, and on time. “The essays are more stressful than the tests or quizzes, because they are done at home over a long period of time, when on a test or quiz you may need to study for a long period of time, but if you listen in class and take good notes you should do fine. Tests also are taken in class and normally don’t take the whole class period. Essays comprise of coming up with a thesis statement to answer the question and lay out the three points you need to make in the essay, then in the essay answer the question with those point, use quotes from other pieces of work for evidence then relate the quote to your points. But for the most part I’m holding up pretty good,” said sophomore Andrew Conklin. It seems that students could be stressed about all the work they are receiving at this time in the marking period, but once it ends it’s going to be a relief for everyone. Just remember that after you make it through the finish flag you get a break before the next race.