Halloween Costumes at Wayne Hills


By Jaclyn Levendusky, Staff Writer

This past Tuesday, Wayne Hills celebrated Halloween with a variety of interesting costumes. Many students arrived to school dressed as heroes, villains, spooky things, or in a punny outfit. Each staff department also participated in dressing up: The Science teachers were Wizard of Oz characters, the Physical Education teachers dressed as “Orange is the New Black” actors and actresses, and the Guidance department dressed as bikers, calling themselves “Hills Angels.”

The annual department costume contest is also a key feature of Halloween at Wayne Hills. Students are encouraged to vote for their favorite costume theme worn by the staff departments. Dr. DeFina and the Science Department have been successful in the past few years, and may win the title again.

This year, students at Wayne Hills started a new tradition. A Snapchat story was created, allowing every student at Wayne Hills to post and view pictures of various costumes. Students of all grade levels participated in this social media event, which brought a sense of unity and spirit throughout the school.

The general attitude towards dressing up for Halloween at school is positive. Senior Carly Sklar stated, “I think that dressing up makes the day so much more fun and easy to get through. It really shows a sense of spirit, both from the students and the staff.” Hopefully, the tradition of dressing up for Halloween continues to enhance the school day and bring a sense of spirit to Wayne Hills.

Allison Frain, senior, dressed as a “pig in a blanket”
Physical Education teacher, Mr. Rousseau, dressed as a character from “Orange is the New Black”