Opening the Door to Tolerance in the LGBT Community


By Samantha Segreto

The LGBT environment is growing increasingly as each day passes, making our nation diverse and varied. However, acceptance is continuously difficult to reach, especially for young children wanting to express themselves. Even parents, the figures that are supposedly looked to for advice, motivation, and encouragement, sometimes have the inability to embrace their children for who they are. Some even go as far as believing that being gay, bisexual, or transgender is a choice rather than a component that makes up their internal being- something they were naturally born with. Recent studies have shown that transgender kids are more likely to veer from depression and maintain a stable mental health so long as they have the support of their parents by their side.

This is why many celebrities whom they look up to support them to their full potential. Some of these celebrities include lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and even heterosexuals. For example, Ellen Degeneres is a lesbian and she supports LGBT rights. Ever since the 1990s, she’s been working towards gay rights. In 1997, she announced that she was a lesbian and shocked the whole world.  She, still today, tries her best to earn equal rights for those like herself.

Another famous celebrity who supports LGBT rights is Kerry Washington. Unlike Degeneres, she is heterosexual. Washington was awarded a Vanguard Award at the 2015 GLAAD Media Awards in March for being a notable ally of the LGBT community.

“We need more LGBT characters and more LGBT storytelling. We need more diverse LGBT representation, and by that I mean lots of different kinds of LGBT people living all different kinds of lives,” said Washington, herself.

Other celebrities that support LGBT rights are Miley Cyrus, Anne Hathaway, Daniel Radcliffe and more. Looking at all these well-known supporters, it shows that you don’t have to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender to support this community. This LGBT community is filled with all different kinds of people.

Nationwide, improvements are gradually developing, especially in South Dakota where recent results have shown that the governor has vetoed a dangerous bill attacking transgender children. If continued, this bill would have prevented students in public schools from using restrooms, along with other facilities, consistent with their identity. The two-thirds majority vote was failed to be reached, leading the bill to no longer be an issue for the LGBT community.

“I believe that no matter who you love or how you feel, every person is equal and no one should feel ostracized, especially not in school… it’s just not how this world should be working,” said Danielle Mor, sophomore, when asked about her thoughts regarding LGBT supporters.

The world should be a place where human beings can live their lives exactly the way they’d like to without facing judgement or discrimination at every turn. If society doesn’t start  looking past the differences between each individual and moving forward to acceptance, the darkness of prejudice will take over and the idea of unity will become a faraway dream.