Wayne Board of Education Approves Revised Phase II

By Lily Waterman

On November 20th, 2020, the Wayne Board of Education approved a few new precautions to limit the spread of COVID-19 within our schools.

As cases increase around the holidays, there will now be periods of all-remote learning the week after Thanksgiving and 2 weeks after Winter break till January 19th.

The original Phase II had eliminated Virtual Wednesday, but this action is pushed back to be discussed again at a later date.

Also, beginning on January 19th, three high school cohorts will move to two cohorts.

“Oh I’m so excited to be in school more! I have been waiting so long to go in school more. I’m so much more of a hands-on learner so this has been very hard, so I think this is definitely a move in the right direction,” comments Senior Courtney Ruedt.

“I think this is awesome that they aren’t taking away Virtual Wednesday because I love sleeping in and having an hour break. Merging cohorts wouldn’t really affect me as I’m all virtual,” comments Senior Yulieanna Sim.

“From the perspective of a student, I do not think it makes much sense to merge cohorts as cases are reaching all time highs. Although transmission has not been found in our school, it has been found in transmission as a result of kids still going out which still brings opportunity to spread the virus. This only increases chances of transmission and doesn’t seem realistic,” comments Joe Kubofcik, Senior Football Player.