Lantern Magazine Releases Its First Annual Volume: Poetry, Photos, and Stories


Lantern, the only literary arts magazine of Wayne Hills, annually releases several volumes of poetry, photography, and stories from their loyal editors and contributors. A few weeks ago, the 30th volume of Lantern’s print magazine, but the first volume of the year, was released to teachers and a small audience. The Patriot Press is proud to introduce an online documentation of their magazine, allowing the hard work of the writers and photographers involved to live on forever.

Editor-in-Chief Sangjun Ko offers a brief introduction to each reader of the magazine, “Ahead of us are more poems to write, more stories to imagine, and more artwork to create. And ahead of you are our works to read so far, and hopefully even more as the year marches on.”

Lantern usually meets after school on Wednesdays in Room 215. Please feel free to talk to Mr. Summers, the long-time advisor of the magazine, if you have an interest in joining!

Without further ado, please feel free to explore the magazine below in our slideshow: