Boys Soccer Season Comes to a Close


The tough yet successful season for boys soccer has finally come to an end.

Losing narrowly to Indian Hills for their first state game at home, the team lost 3-4 on penalties while finishing off regulation time with a tied 1-1 scoreline.

Key junior player, Sebastian Rojek, highlights with great enthusiasm one of the most memorable moments during the game. “The ball had bounced off the side of the goal,” he explains. “Then Jack Fieggen kicked the ball in, and that was our first goal that day… until, of course, Indian Hills scored shortly after.”

Coach Loukas Dimitoulis, who sprinted out of school as soon as the bell rang to watch the boys play, was able to testify to the importance of the moment described by Rojek.

“Being that it was the last year for all the seniors on the team, it was really memorable to see such a star player as Fieggen score the very first goal, very unexpectedly at that. This gave the team more motivation to keep playing hard.”

Although the boys played well with undesirable outcomes, they were still able to take the loss nobly and instead reminisce on good times and look forward.

Edlir Kaba, senior captain, shares his innermost thoughts. “It was a good run with the boys,” he says rather nostalgically. “Hills soccer will probably stay with me forever.”

Through all the good and bad times, the team’s spirit has never faltered and continues to live on.

Good hustle, boys.