The Fate of The Future Doctors Club

The Fate of The Future Doctors Club

At WHHS, there is a variety of extracurricular activities to participate in, like sports, clubs and student government. One particularly popular club is the Future Doctors Club, where many students who have an interest in healthcare meet about once a month. These meetings include activities such as making cards for the ill to send to hospitals around holidays, watching videos of real-time surgeries, and viewing presentations about potential careers within specific fields of medicine.

At the last meeting, there was a different agenda: the officers announced that the Future Doctors Club is currently no longer considered a school club, which was especially disappointing news to deliver because of the large number of students who signed up this year. Although the Future Doctors Club has been running smoothly in the past few years, the Board of Ed recently stopped approving of it.

Mrs. Kearns was planning on being the advisor this year, which she would not be getting paid to do. However, the Union wants teachers to get paid to run clubs, but this is not possible since the Board of Ed has not approved of it. Mrs. Kearns was not able to oversee the club, and without an advisor, Future Doctors Club is not actually considered a school club.

The officers of the Future Doctors Club–including senior Yara Abbo as President, senior Nur Hadzi as Vice President, senior Eric Miller as Treasurer, and sophomore Emma Hogan as Secretary–plan to gather a small group of people to attend the next Board meeting to plead their case to continue this club.

Nur Hadzi, Vice President, stated “Future Doctors Club is an awesome way to find out about the medical field and give insight to those that are interested in a career in the medical field,” which is why the officers and the members are determined to leave an impression at the next Board meeting. Hopefully, the Future Doctors Club will get approved and can continue to be a part of the many extracurriculars that students at WHHS love to participate in.