Farewell to Ms. Weir

By Anna Badami, Staff Writer

Principal Maureen Weir was recently promoted to Director of Secondary Education after working in the school district for 14 years. When Mrs. Weir came to WHHS, she started as Chair of Health, Physical Education, and the Fine and Performing Arts program. She then became Assistant Principal in 2008 and then soon went on to become principal of WHHS from 2012-2017.

Due to many promotions, many spots in the district were left open and needed to be filled. The position of principle that Weir has now, became vacant because Toni Liskiewicz was promoted to assistant superintendent. This created a vacancy that was unfilled for several months. Longtime assistant principal Michael Rewick will be filling Ms. Weir’s job as principle until further notice.

“Filling positions from within means that while there may be the change of name for the person serving in a position, the educational philosophy will be consistent with the rest of the administrative team, that translates directly into continuity for students, staff, and our parents where continuity is so important.” said Superintendent Mark Toback.

“Mixed feelings!” said Ms. King when asked about Weir leaving, “Excited and happy for her! She worked very hard to take care of everyone in the building!”

Wayne Hills is thankful for all Mrs. Weir has done to create a positive work and learning environment and wishes her well!