Drunk Goggle Test Show Students the Dangers of Driving Under the Influence

By Hanna Qira, Staff Writer

Sophomores at WHHS have recently experienced what it feels like to be a drunk driver and learn about just how dangerous it could be.

In 2015, 10,265 people were killed in drunk driving crashes. That would make one person for every 51 minutes being killed in an accident due to drunk driving. 290,000 people were injured in alcohol-related accidents in 2015.

After learning about the negative effects of alcohol and driving, students were taken outside to see how it feels to be under the influence behind the wheel.

They were given a pair of drunk goggles and had to weave through a set of cones using a go-kart. The students were allowed to go as many times as they wanted, and they also raced each other.

“It was a good experience because it really taught me how dangerous it is to drink and drive. The goggles made my vision extremely bad, and it was hard to even drive straight, forget weaving through the cones,” said Ahan Mohanty, a sophomore.

Teressa Lange, another sophomore, said, “It really helped to show us how drinking has such a big impact on how we drive.”

All in all, the students learned a valuable lesson on why it is never safe to drink and drive and to always be responsible.