Random Acts of Kindness Club

By Daniel Kang, Assistant Senior Editor

The Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Club is a club different from most others, namely because it doesn’t have a set purpose except to simply do good things in our school for students, teachers and staff members. Mr. Poalillo is the advisor of the club. Last year, the club made letters of appreciation to custodians and a teachers’ appreciation video at the end of the year. The RAK Club regularly meets on Wednesdays and is always welcoming new members so don’t be afraid to go attend the meetings.

Sophia Jeon and Katherine Kim, the co-presidents of the club, said that they “wanted to create a club that focused on helping and encouraging the people at the school, so RAK is a great way forĀ us to initiate that kind of environment here at Hills. We have many ideas for new events this year but we are planning on giving out free hot chocolate again this upcoming winter so stay tuned for that!”

Last week, they slipped notes of kindness into random lockers. Even if you don’t use your locker, check it for something to make your day a little bit brighter!