Quiz Bowl Begins

By Daniel Kang, Assistant Senior Editor

This year, Quiz Bowl has started and many people came to the first meeting which Ms. Price, the advisor, presided over. Membership on the team is open to anyone but only a maximum of six people can play per group. Currently, there are about 15 people on the team but the team is still accepting new members at this time. Anyone who is interested in answering trivia should join. Quiz Bowl involves answering a variety of questions that span topics from geography to literature to math. The team’s next big competition will take place on December 10th in Leonia so there is still time before the final arrangement for the teams is made. The captain of the Quiz Bowl team this year is Daniel Kang, a senior. Mrs. Price anticipates a great year for Quiz Bowl. She is open to participating in other major competitions besides Leonia and the prestigious Bridgewater-Raritan Invitational Tournament of Excellence (BRITE), a New Jersey State qualifying quiz contest preceding the National Academic Championship.

Last year, the Wayne Hills Quiz Bowl team did not make it to the BRITE semifinals and had to settle with an Elite Eight plaque. In addition, the Quiz Bowl team has an annual student-faculty competition but the team won last year, marking another deadlock of 5-5 against the faculty. Sudharshan Venkatesh, a seasoned player from last year commented, “We’ve had very strong results from last year. A lot of strong players are returning this year so we have a good chance of making it to Nationals. I’m looking forward to a successful season.” We wish them good luck as they start practicing for the upcoming year.