What Would You Put in a Time Capsule to Represent 2016?

To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the opening of WHHS, a committee organizing an official celebration for October 2016 is seeking ideas from the student body for items to put in a time capsule.

Christina Ventimiglia, assistant principal, said a committee comprised of teachers, students and members from the community is organizing a celebratory event on October 1st.  Among other activities, a time capsule will be buried.  “We are looking for suggestions from the students as to what should be put inside in the time capsule,” said Ventimiglia.  

She would “really like it to represent the school as well as portray the year 2016 as best as possible.” It is unknown where the time capsule will be buried. However, a student has already suggested it should be buried directly in front of the school, possibly by the flagpole. It is also unknown as to when the capsule will be dug up but that is why the committee wants to hear recommendations from students and faculty.

“The capsule should be dug back up in the year 2066 because it will be the school’s 100th year and will be a great way to celebrate a possible class reunion,”  said senior Heather Clapp.  “It is imperative that we all come together to come up with different ways to celebrate the 50th Anniversary,” she said.  Feel free to leave your suggestions in the comments box!