First Grade Teacher Spotlight

By Morgan Cassidy

As a soon-to-be graduating senior, I can’t help but reflect upon my years in the Wayne Schools District, and all of the teachers that I have had throughout my educational career, beginning with my first grade teacher, Audrey Paterson.

Paterson has been in Pines Lake Elementary School teaching first grade for 19 years. She began her teaching career as an 8th grade English teacher, however refused a full time job. Paterson then worked in basic skills for three years, before having her two children.

After staying home to care for her children, Paterson was offered a job as the director of a pre-school, and found her calling to be more connected to younger children. Paterson then got a full-time job at Pines Lake as a first grade teacher, and has held that position since.

Looking back on her own education, future plans, and college career, Paterson was honest with me. “I never saw myself as becoming a teacher,” she admits. “I always thought I would go into journalism, and travel.” However, once accepted into Seton Hall University, Paterson was unsure of what career path she realistically wanted to pursue. Her parents saw her potential for teaching, and encouraged her to pursue it. After her freshman year, Paterson “fell in love.”

As a student, Paterson recalled one teacher she had that changed her life. “I struggled in third grade, and I absolutely hated school for two years. Something just wasn’t clicking for me. Then I met my fifth grade teacher, and the lightbulb turned on. From that point on, I loved school,” she remembers.

Hoping to retire in 3-5 years, Paterson has certainly left her mark on Pines Lake Elementary School and her students. As a student of Paterson’s I can still recall memorable moments in her class. She has certainly had a heavy impact on me as a student and person, taking into account each student’s learning style and adjusting her teaching to him/her. As we talked, we recalled tendencies of students that were in my class, peers who I have remained very close with, speaking to the community that Paterson and Pines Lake created at the young age of 7.

In lieu of Teacher Appreciation Day, speaking with Paterson certainly reminded me of the strong impact that great teachers can have, not only on students as learners but as people.