Moody’s Mega Math Challenge

Moodys Mega Math Challenge

By Katherine Kim, Staff Writer

The best and brightest of WHHS participated in the Moody’s Mega Math Challenge held in the school’s library.

Nearly 7,000 high school students participated in this challenge in the hopes of being awarded $150,000 in scholarships. The challenge was held on February 27th, 2016 in schools all around the United States. There were two teams who competed for WHHS, both juniors and seniors.

“It was an eye opening, hands-on experience because it felt different from learning at school and I really bonded with my teammates as I spent fourteen hours researching with them,” said junior Sophia Jeon.

The challenge is sponsored by the The Moody’s Foundation and organized by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). It was created to help students gain experience with working in teams and to assist students in solving real-world problems. The creators of the challenge hope participants will view mathematics as a powerful problem-solving tool and become more interested in pursuing a profession in that field.