Wayne Hockey Teams Come Together in the Fight Against ALS


By Rebecca Sands, Staff Writer

It’s been a rough season for the WHHS Ice Hockey team with a record of seven wins, nine losses, and five ties, and they fell to their rivals Wayne Valley on Friday night with a score of 6-2. Friday’s game was especially memorable because it was the 8th annual Mayor’s Cup held in the town of Wayne.

Every year, one scholarship is awarded to a member of the WHHS and WVHS Hockey teams. This year however, the scholarship money was donated to a very special member of the Wayne hockey community. His name is Gary Ragusa and he is suffering from a rare and life threatening disease known as ALS or Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Before the Mayor’s Cup game began on Friday night, a video of several high school and travel hockey teams native to the ice vault was shown to support Mr. Ragusa in his fight against ALS. The video included all of the teams doing the ALS ice bucket challenge to raise money for Ragusa.

“Mr. Ragusa is such an inspiration not only to the Wayne hockey community, but to everyone who has a love for the sport,” says Jordan Gershon, a senior on the WHHS Hockey Team. To show their support, every player wore a piece of lime green somewhere on their equipment because it is Ragusa’s favorite color. Wayne Valley players also made a sign that read “Team Goose” because Ragusa has a son who is a senior on the WVHS Hockey Team, and he has coached many of the kids who have played in WayneIMG_6415