Brian Kemp Re-elected By Large Margin


By Angelique Casaleggio, Staff Writer

Brian Kemp won the election for Georgia governor with 53 percent of Georgia voters versus Stacy Abrams 45 percent, stated in the New York Times.

Kemp has been the governor since 2018 when he was first elected.

 Following the recent re-election, Kemp hopes to do things such as make Georgia a safer environment for families, work, and school. He also hopes to spur economic growth, strengthen rural communities, and lower healthcare costs, according to his running website. 

One of Kemp’s major priorities is a one-billion-dollar tax rebate, where he hopes to return money back into the pockets of tax-paying Georgians. 

At the last speeches by the candidates, Brian Kemp was questioned on his upcoming thoughts on abortion restrictions, which he did not answer. 

Wayne Hills English teacher Mr. Bosma said, “Kemp was able to establish himself as an independent-minded individual after ‘standing up to Trump’ in previous instances.”