Black Friday Recap 2015


By Rebecca Sands, Staff Writer

Black Friday is the most prestigious shopping day of the year for millions of Americans. Every year, thousands of retailers will markdown products, send out coupons, and open their doors as early as 3 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. According to Target, some of the best selling products from 2015 included Apple iPads, The Nintendo Wii, TVs, movies, and toys.

Several people said that Black Friday was not all it was built up to be this year. They found that many sales were not as big as previous years and that shopping online saved them the hassle of going out and facing the chaotic crowds. “As much as I love shopping, I hate going out on Black Friday because most of the time the sales are better the next week,” said Jessica Sabeh, a senior.

Even though many people are getting away from going out on Black Friday, Apple still managed to make out like a bandit. Apple iPads were the most sold product of the season this year and Apple products were also used to make millions of online purchases. “I got my new iPhone 6S on Black Friday this year and I could not be happier,” said Tetyana Nikitina, a senior. While Black Friday may be becoming a thing of the past, millions of people still love to believe that they are getting their once-a-year deals.