Murphy’s Decision to Close Schools Bittersweet for Seniors

By Emma Arango, Staff Writer

While many underclassmen understood Governor Phil Murphy’s decision to close schools for the rest of the year, seniors are especially hard-hit by this move.

“I feel like we all knew we weren’t coming back to school, but hearing Murphy announce it, made it real, said Kyla Gallipoli, senior.  “It’s weird to think that seniors didn’t know our last day was actually our last day,” she added.

“I understand Murphy closing down schools was inevitable, but it does not make the loss of what is supposed to be the best three months of our high school career any easier,” says Sydney Rodis, senior.

“I’m honestly not too disappointed about school being closed for the rest of the year, whatever situation best contains the virus, I am happy to partake in,” says Senior Maddy Gilman.

“I’m pretty upset to lose the end of our senior year, I miss seeing my friends and online school sometimes presents a challenge,” says Senior Angela Reyzelman. 

“It wasn’t really a surprise but it just stinks that we could not have a prom and sometimes I just miss my friends,” said Derek Savastano, senior.

One senior had a more light-hearted reaction:  

“Thank god our school got canceled because I like waking up later than usual, but I’m going to miss all my teachers,” said Daniel Crutchfield.

Students seem to be upset with their loss of year-end activities, but they understand that social distancing is more important.