Video Yearbook Comes to WHHS


By Brittany Krugel

Fast forward to June. The only two things seniors  will be carrying are their car keys and their yearbook. The last week of school, it’s common to see seniors signing the pages of each other’s yearbooks, laughing over the memories; crying, thinking about next fall; and reliving the past year in pictures. However, this year a new type of yearbook is coming to Wayne Hills. This will be the first year that the WHHS T.V. production classes will be producing a video yearbook. The purpose of it is to raise a profit for the T.V. production classes so that they can afford new equipment, but it’s also to give the student body a summary of all the year’s events in about two to four hours.

But don’t think that the video yearbook is going to be only for the seniors, “The video yearbook is a collection of memories from September to June that will not only highlight the seniors, but all of the underclassmen. It will focus on such events as spirit week, athletics, and different activities around the school,” said T.V. production teacher James Hoogstrate. Many students are very eager to see what the video yearbook will entail, “I think it’s going to be very cool and I’m excited to see what it looks like,” said senior Sam Applebaum. It looks like the WHHS video yearbook is going to be a huge hit with students, come June.