As Trump’s One-Year Anniversary Approaches, His Accomplishments Accumulate

As Trumps One-Year Anniversary Approaches, His Accomplishments Accumulate

By Gabe Geytsman, Asst. Senior Editor and Resident Trump Partisan

President Donald J. Trump is approaching the one-year anniversary of his inauguration, and he’s accomplished so much in his meager 11 months in office.

Let’s not forget the appointment of a magnificent young conservative Justice to the Supreme Court (Neil Gorsuch) when we consider Trump’s impact on the judiciary. Because former President Obama presided over a long term wherein his party did not control the Senate, many judicial vacancies appeared which Trump is now filling: he inherited over 100 judicial vacancies, of which 12 have been filled and confirmed (while another six await confirmation). Obama inherited less than half that number of vacancies.

President Trump also got to work Making America Great Again by withdrawing America from several international agreements pushed through by globalist elites, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Paris Climate Agreement. The TPP would have devastated consumer protections and subjugated American sovereignty to an international corporate court and hurt jobs big-league, while the Paris Agreement cripples American industry and American energy while doing too little too late in the name of actual environmental protection.

Our amazing President also saw major victory with the imminent passage of a major tax cut and tax code overhaul that stands to enrich millions of Americans. Though the income brackets are rearranged, every bracket pays less than it currently does, and the corporate tax rate, which led companies to keep money offshore and rendered American-based companies uncompetitive, was substantially lowered, from 35% to 21 percent. The bill also included a provision to abolish the health insurance mandate, freeing Americans from government overreach and gutting Obamacare.

Federal executive agencies with leaders appointed by Trump are also carrying out Trump’s agenda faithfully. In the name of cutting regulations and cracking down on the liberal agenda of big government, Trump’s FCC has done away with the policy of Net Neutrality, enabling internet providers to innovate and to provide personalized plans for consumers, a move that could end up cutting costs for many internet users. Trump’s EPA has gotten to work eliminating environmental regulations that impede business and hurt industry, and Trump has approved the construction of the Keystone Pipeline.

President Donald Trump has been hard at work for the American people putting the elites in their place, changing the federal agencies and judiciary through nominations, and fighting big government to liberate and empower Americans and American businesses. Senior Patrick Gilmore tells the Patriot Press that “Trump has been great for the economy and job creation. The unemployment rate has decreased and the economy is booming.” The American people can plainly see: Trump’s presidency is already filled with “winning.” Thank you, Mr. President!