Trump and Carson Continue to Rant


By Jake Goldberg, Junior Editor

Donald Trump and Ben Carson have recently threatened to boycott the next republican debate if their demands are not met.  Their demands include shortening the debate to two hours without without commercials as well as receiving opening and closing statements to clearly convey their main points.  At first, people were amused by Trump running for President.  By now, many individuals are becoming sick of the despicable comments made by both Trump and Carson such as the familiar topic of Barack Obama being a muslim.

The two republicans are obviously having a strong influence on the republican partyas they are currently leading in the polls, but they are not providing a lot of substance.  “The problem isn’t the length of the debate but rather the content presented.  If anything, they should argue for more issue based debates,” says junior Andrej Solomonovic.

The next republican debate is October 28 in Colorado.  However, in order to be a part of the main event, you have to currently average at least 2.5% in the polls.  It will be an entertaining debate as it will be interesting to see what kind of sickening comments will be said by Trump and Carson.