Quiz Bowl Team Loss

Quiz Bowl Team Loss

By Dan Kang, Staff Writer

The second Quiz Bowl team lost to Monroe’s third team in the Elite Eight, a very close match after the first Quiz Bowl team lost to Monroe’s third team in the Sweet Sixteen. The match was the quarterfinals in the prestigious BRITE tournament held at Bridgewater Middle School every Tuesday from January to March. Each team is made up of six players: four players and two alternates.

The second Quiz Bowl team is composed of Dan Kang, Veronica Holganza, George Galkin, Jacob Rantas, Robert Salita, and Carly Jeon. Every match is made up of three games and while Wayne Hills was leading in Game 1, the team lost momentum during Game 2 and subsequently, they lost during Game 3 as it came down to a crucial 50 point question which was won by Monroe 3.

“The BRITE tournament was a great experience and with it being my first year of Quiz Bowl, I was very proud of how the team competed and I look forward to progressing next year”Jacob Rantas remarked. Although Wayne Hills emerged as champions of the tournament last year, the team sadly failed this time. Hopefully, they can make a comeback next season. Currently, Monroe 3 is scheduled to play Woodbridge in another competitive match for the semifinals. The winners of the BRITE tournament will get to go to Washington D.C. in May for Nationals. For the Quiz Bowl team, there is a Hills-Valley match and a Student-Faculty match left to end off the year.