After the first year of running for the Wayne Board of Education seat, Mark Faber earned a seat on the Board of Education, as he is one of two other candidates who are replacing former members of the BOE.
Voting took place on Tuesday, November 7, and Mark Faber was able to win the election with a total of 5,848 votes. Faber was able to beat candidates, Suzanne Pudup and Ahab Husein, in this election. In addition to this, Faber was elected alongside Don Pavlak (6,226 votes) and Wendy Limandri (5,777 votes).
Prior to the election, Faber worked in finance and has lots of experience managing and negotiating to benefit everyone. As a father of 4 children growing up in Wayne, Faber runs under the slogan, “Children First”. When asked what is most important to him in an interview with TAPintoWayne, Faber shared that, “ensuring Wayne offers the highest quality education experience is important to our community because of the benefits it provides in shaping our children’s futures.” Faber said his main goal is to make sure children are positioned in the best place to learn and achieve happiness.
Faber said he plans to attack various issues in the Wayne Education system, such as the balance between parental rights and student rights. Faber believes that communication is key to benefit both students and parents. At the candidate debate on October 12, he shared, “Children are your responsibility. Parents should have the final say in what happens to their children.” Ultimately, he said he will enforce parental rights in school to make sure parents stay informed about everything their child has voiced to an educator.
Faber also addresses the referendum issue, explaining how he is planning on dealing with the population increase in the Wayne school system and other improvements in schools. When asked about this in an interview conducted by TapintoWayne, Faber explained, “Our school system faces many challenges in the coming years due to increasing real estate development, aging infrastructure, competition for high-quality educators and administration, and a tremendous strain on our special needs capabilities, all which must be addressed in the very near future, and may not be possible using our tax revenue alone.”
Wayne Hills High School student, Angie Vera, told me her thoughts on what the Board of Education should do to improve the Wayne school district, “I think the school could definitely use physical improvements. We need air conditioning since the summer gets so hot that students pass out.” With Faber newly elected to the Board of Education, citizens of Wayne can hope for drastic improvements in the school system and prominent issues in town to be addressed and fixed.