Recently, the Wayne Hills High School Robotics class competed at the World Trade Center in Manhattan against other schools. Schools all across the Tri state area were competing. There were about 17 different schools. This occurred on January 31st. The robotics competition was supervised by Mr. Yost.
Adam Bunko, Junior from the Robotics 3 class, A student from Wayne Hills High school told me that “The Robotics Competition was fun. According to him he saw all types of robots it could be anything. It has a monitor too that can show the other person the control center operating the robot. He saw one that was built for emergencies one that has a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher, That had the capability to demonstrate its ability of 2 back and forth throughout a tunnel.”
Ilian Nunez, A sophomore said that “I mostly saw, basically robots in a box that had packages and stuff, it was mostly that. We were pretty unique, we had a robot on the wall, there were a lot of robots that had that. It was a fun experience.” They didn’t win the competition, another school did.
Nick Loewrigkeit, A Junior, also in the robotics 3 class said that “I said yesterday in an Interview like it was a lot of fun just to go and to get the experience. We met the head of the Port Authority and some Mechanical Engineers who had their Doctorates, so it was pretty cool.”
Ilian stated “Everyone said they liked it”.