Seniors Giving Insight On Their High School Experience

The year that students look forward to the most.
December 22, 2021
Senior year is the year every student looks forward to since they take their first steps at high school. For the last two years, this class of seniors have been trying to adjust to school with the Coronavirus being around. It hasn’t been the easiest to say the least, but the seniors are trying to make this year better than the last two, and make up for lost time.
With the Coronavirus taking over the world during the seniors sophomore year, the seniors missed out on a lot of fun and exciting activities. Spring sports, seeing their friends, the spring musical, and club activities are just to name a few. Being in school for part time during their junior year didn’t make things better. The students still were learning virtual for the most part and were missing out on the fun times of their high school years. Not being able to talk to friends while passing in the halls, not being able to fully understand what your teacher is teaching, and having to wear a mask and social distance was definitely a struggle.
“It was hard not being able to see my friends and not be in school with them. Getting to go to school everyday and talk to friends in the halls makes the day 10x better. It was hard to really learn being virtual, trying to understand the topics was difficult not being there in person. Now, it’s great being back in school and getting to see my friends and socialize again,” senior Christin DeFranco commented on how she felt about virtual learning last year. During the seniors junior year, they didn’t get the chance to partake in the annual spirit rally, or even attend any of the sporting events to cheer on their classmates. A lot was taken away from this class and it seemed to be a never ending school year in their eyes.
Making sure they got the most memorable senior year was at the top of their list this year. Getting the chance to attend all the sporting events, play in all their games, see and talk to their friends in the halls, learn in person, go out for lunch together, and hopefully have an amazing prom is not just what they want, but what they deserve. “Prom should be fun this year. Getting the chance to celebrate with everyone, one last time, will be exciting but sad at the same time,” said Lexi Donohue, senior, on what she is looking forward to most this year.
Even though this year hasn’t been easy, seniors are still trying to make the most of it.
“The best part of senior year so far had to be the football games. It’s different when you are a senior because you now it’s the last time you will be in the stands and you just don’t want it to end. The games are so much fun, everyone gets into it and when we win that makes it even better,” Christin DeFranco, responded when asked what her favorite part of senior year was so far. This year, students were able to be in the student section and cheer on their players. This news was fantastic for seniors since last year there was no student section. Attending the football games is something many people here at Hills do and enjoy.
As much as high school may seem like a never ending thing, June will be here faster than we know it. Leaving your friends and family to go off to college can be hard, but looking back on the wonderful memories make things a little easier. “I am going to miss the friendships that I’ve made most. I’ve had the chance to meet so many amazing people, and because of them I have so many amazing memories to look back on. I’m also going to miss all the football games and cheering on the boys. Being in the student section is something else, I couldn’t imagine spending my Friday nights anywhere else,” Christin DeFranco, said about what she is going to miss about Wayne Hills.
High school is a time to try new things, meet new people, and take a chance. Wayne Hills has so many opportunities to go and do those things. From the many clubs they offer here, to the countless sport teams, there’s a place for everyone to feel like they belong.
“Underclassmen, get involved! There are so many things to do here at Hills and you never know who you will meet or what you will like. If you are passionate about something, I am positive there a club for it. You will meet so many amazing people whether its from a sports team or participating in the drama club. Don’t just sit around and do nothing, go out and try something!” Lexi Donohue, senior, said, giving some advise to her fellow underclassmen.
I hope every senior has the best year yet and makes every second count, you don’t know what the future holds. Make this rest of this year the best year yet!

Syela Ademi • Dec 23, 2022 at 11:11 AM
Reading this article made me realize how virtual learning affected the seniors who’s highschool experience wasn’t the way they wanted it to be. After reading this I learned to appreciate the things most people take for granted such as getting to see your friends in school, pep rallies, football games, and other fun activities and clubs that these seniors missed out on.
Lucia Castro • Dec 23, 2021 at 11:42 AM
This article made me realize how difficult the last couple of years was for everyone and now that everyones back, we learned to not take small things for granted
Nick Pepple • Dec 23, 2021 at 10:52 AM
I agree with the seniors that last year was hard, in that students weren’t able to see their friends and teachers. I think every grade was affected by this and all are just happy to be back.
Daniella Brunetti • Dec 23, 2021 at 10:24 AM
Reading this article really helped me better understand the great difference that being in school had. Not only academically, but socially. Being able to see my friends in school is never something I will take for granted again.
Jenna Daghestani • Dec 23, 2021 at 9:26 AM
I really liked this article because it shows how even the smallest things like seeing your friends in the hallways or before school, or going out to eat lunch can change your school year. I also loved the advice given to underclassman and the sense of hope for the class of 2022.
Tyler D Demikoff • Dec 23, 2021 at 9:22 AM
From an underclassman point of view, this article taught me to take nothing for granted in highschool.
Jessica Smith • Dec 23, 2021 at 9:18 AM
I’m glad the seniors had some time to explain how they feel, it was nice getting an idea of how they have felt through this.
Corey • Dec 23, 2021 at 8:26 AM
The seniors have had it rough because most of their high school experience had been taken from them due to Covid-19 but it is great that the they can actually experience their senior yer. The masks may be a downside but being able to look forward to school events and seeing your friends everyday makes it worth it.
Wenrui Zhang • Dec 23, 2021 at 8:18 AM
I think this article is really helpful for underclassmen because it gives suggestions about future activities to get involved in.
Gianna Montalbano • Dec 23, 2021 at 8:13 AM
I think it is nice that the seniors were recognized for getting deprived of certain events because of covid but they did not let that stop them from enjoying the rest of their high school experience
Carli Imparato • Dec 23, 2021 at 8:06 AM
I really enjoyed this article. This article gave the seniors hope about enjoying their last year of high school as well as gave juniors advice on how to make the most of their senior year. This article shows that the seniors are still very excited for the rest of their senior year and are trying to not let covid get in the way.
Nicollette Klein • Dec 23, 2021 at 8:05 AM
it’s cool reading about how the seniors feel this year and what they looked forward to.