Spirit Week is always an exhilarating, bonding event that almost every student in the school looks forward to.
As Spirit Week looms closer and closer, the excitement seems to be rising higher and higher.
Taylor Berkowitz, the senior class advisor says, “We are in the process of collecting cans, which should be the main focus of the week. Dates for the spirit week are November 13th through November 17th. The student council members are working pretty hard to make the spirit week as memorable as possible.”
The daily themes for Spirit Week are as follows: Monday is pajama day, Tuesday is college day, Wednesday is USA day, Thursday is sports day, and Friday is color day.
Senior class vice president, Audry Hong, also claims that poster making, fundraising, and t-shirt making are all going smoothly. She states, “Poster making is going well! We had a few setbacks, but with key helpers such as Sandy Yang, Nur Hadzi, Rebecca Jalowicz, Abby Marcone, and Nikki Rigoli, things are looking really good.”
In light of this, Claudia Schalago also testifies that the student council leaders have been meeting after school nearly everyday, working until late hours in order to get the posters finished.
Although the posters and spirit week events may be exciting, however, it is important to acknowledge the importance of what differentiates one class from another: t-shirts.
Hong continues, saying, “Another key part in the whole process are the t-shirts, in which Chelsea Ortega is generously designing for us. I honestly don’t know what we’d do without her and her help, and especially without Schalago, who has been an excellent addition to our team.”
Hence, It is clear to see that although spirit week may look generally simple, there are a lot of actions being taken behind the scenes in order to make it as amazing as it is every year.
Berkowitz kindly reminds the school of the true purpose of spirit week, stating, “As much fun as it is to dress up, have the spirit rally, and compete against the other classes, the real focus of the week should be on giving and helping those in need.”
Show your spirit, WHHS. Not just to your school, but to the world around us!