Junior Dylan Catania Brings Wall Street to Wayne Hills With New Club

Dylan Catania, the student behind “Wayne Hills Wall Street.”
October 4, 2017
Last month, Wayne Hills Wall Street, a new club centered around the exciting world of stocks, held its first meeting. The club is advised by business teacher Stephen Hill and was started by junior Dylan Catania.
Catania has been interested in the workings of the stock market for some time and is currently invested in several companies. His interest in stocks arose from talking to his grandfather, who was a successful stockbroker. “He taught me about investing when I was young,” said Catania. “I became interested and decided to pursue it full scale.”
Catania described the club, which meets every other Thursday in the Media Center, as “really more of a discussion group, where we talk about and teach stocks.” The club welcomes all Hills students, and all Hills students with an interest in the stock market and investing should consider joining. Catania firmly believes that “anyone who likes money can get into investing. All you have to do is know your current events and pick a company to invest in. After that, if you play your cards right, you’ve got a shot at being the next Warren Buffet.”
Marianna • Oct 6, 2017 at 7:47 AM
Bell’articolo. Mi piacerebbe sapere quale sono le sue raccomandazioni…azioni da comprare.
Dylan Catania • Oct 6, 2017 at 4:51 PM
Ciao! I’ll show you my portfolio and recommendations on Tuesday. Now is a great time to buy in preparation for the holiday season and new product releases.