Freshman and Sophomores Get Chromebooks

October 9, 2017
The classes of ’21 and ’22 received brand new Chromebooks at the beginning of the year to be used for the remainder of their time at Hills.
Students have given the Chromebooks mixed reviews. Many upperclassmen don’t think it’s fair that only the Freshmen and Sophomores got these laptops, especially when considering some upperclassmen don’t have computers at home. While they largely agree that it’s beneficial for Hills to start providing Chromebooks, Juniors and Seniors would like the opportunity to have them as well.
Eliana Driesse, a freshman, said, “I feel that it’s completely pointless. I end up leaving it in every class. I also forget to charge it sometimes overnight and teachers won’t let me or other students charge it in class.” Driesse makes an eye-opening point.
Owais Hobbi, also a freshman, disagrees with Driesse. Hobbi feels that “The Chromebooks are very helpful. We can use them at any time during the day to search up questions or information we don’t know about. Plus, since we have our own, we don’t have to worry about logging off and changing Chromebooks when we move to another class.”
Being given a Chromebook alleviates the need to buy a computer or laptop at home. Some students appreciate that they get Chromebooks because it saves money at home. Alexandra Torrento, a freshman, said the following about them: “It’s a good idea; if I didn’t have the Chromebook, I would have had to buy my own MacBook. It’s cheaper than buying a Mac and it’s still very helpful.”