Netflix Documentary Causes Controversy

October 5, 2017
Vegans and health advocates everywhere are pushing family and friends to watch What the Health; a Netflix documentary released on March 7, 2017.
What the Health brings to light the detriments of meat and dairy consumption, as it claims, “eating one egg is equivalent to five cigarettes,” and “dairy products cause breast cancer.” While many omnivores are quick to defend, What the Health debunks their arguments time and time again.
“I never realized what I was actually putting into my body until I watched this documentary,” senior Genna Gatta confessed.
What the Health discusses the dangers of meat and dairy consumption; confirming everything vegans have been trying to publicize for years. While some things said in the documentary are sometimes extreme, the creators Kip Anderson and Keegan Kuhn, back up all of their claims. Cancer organization sites like Susan B Kormen and American Cancer society are said to be promoting the consumption of processed turkey and canned meats: foods that are carcinogenic to humans. These organizations provided no explanation as to why they promote foods that are reportedly causing cancer, on a cancer awareness website.
The eye-opening documentary will undoubtedly make you you question your dietary habits.