Suicide. Nobody likes to talk about it. It’s a depressing topic that is often ignored or overlooked. But recently, Netflix released 13 Reasons Why, a series surrounding the suicide of a teen girl. Here are some educational facts and statistics relating to suicide in general that correlates to the show.
According to American Foundation For Suicide Prevention, in 2016, an American committed suicide every 12.3 minutes and 90 percent of those who die by suicide had a diagnosed psychiatric disorder at the time of their death. Additionally, suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for ages 10 through 24. This can be related back to the show; it can be inferred by viewers that the teen girl had a type of mental disorder, leading to her untimely death.
There has been more deaths due to suicides in teenagers and young adults than cancer, AIDS, heart disease, stroke, pneumonia, chronic lung disease, and influenza combined, by The Jason Foundation of Youth Suicide Statistics.
Teen suicides have increased since 1999, as shown by Teen Suicide Statistics Teen Help studies. In 1999, there were 1352 teen suicides, in 2002 there were 1246 suicides, in 2006 there were 1240, 2010 there were 1386 suicides, and in 2014 there were 1668 suicides. Females attempt suicide up to three times more that males, but males are more likely to carry it out. 10 teens out of 10,000 commit suicide.
77.9 percent of suicides are males, and 51 percent used a firearm. 34.8% of females use poison. Out of all suicides, poisoning is the most common method. Four out of five teens who attempt suicide has given clear warning signals, as said by the Youth Risk Behavioral Surveillance System.