13 Reasons Why: The Portrayal of the Jock
The jocks in 13 Reasons Why are portrayed very negatively.
May 12, 2017
13 Reasons Why, which is one of the hottest shows out right now, has many controversies, as most popular shows sometimes do. One particular issue is the way that they portray the jocks of the school. The jocks are portrayed in a stereotypical manner as they “rule the school” and think that they are better than everyone. They try to portray them as villains, as scapegoats for a truly tragic event.
It is troubling that they paint jocks as negative characters as not all jocks are like that. Many of the athletes at the high school level are very humble and some of the kindest people in the school. Whether or not a student is an athlete or not does not change their demeanor or their behavior. It is the person, not the athlete, that acts a certain way.
Not only in this series are jocks portrayed negatively, but in many films the stereotypical bonehead jock is the bully and often times an antagonist. They are also usually not the most intelligent character. Very rarely is there a positive portrayal of the jock in Hollywood, which is a problem because athletes are treated as if they are these fictional characters, not as how they actually are as a person.
Jocks are just regular people like anyone else. They don’t harass people any more or any less than normal people. “It’s kind of funny how jocks are portrayed in movies and shows, especially because they’re so dumb. Everyone should know that this obviously is not true in real life, and jocks are just regular people. Even the name “jocks” sounds negative. 13 Reasons Why is wrong in how they portray them,” said freshman basketball player, Brett Wood.
Jocks are not selfish and they don’t act like jerks because they play a sport. Jocks are quite friendly and bond with everyone. They respect everyone as they are and they wouldn’t do the rash things that the characters in the series would do. Could they do it in real life? Of course, but that is only a small proportion of jocks. Those jocks in real life wouldn’t even go as far as what the jocks in the series did though. Jocks are normal people just like anyone else and they respect everyone just like others do.
harm • Sep 29, 2017 at 3:48 PM
I agree not all jocks are that bad but they also exist.