13 reasons why has been an extremely controversial topic over the past couple of weeks, after making its debut on Netflix in late March. Although there seems to be split opinions on whether the show should be viewed or not, it seems to be most beneficial to not only teens, but adults to view the show, and here’s why:
Graphic scenes show truth, and people should not hide from the truth about suicide.
It forces teens to realize that these problems are real. Students who viewed the show seemed to agree. “This show teaches you how important every minute of life is,” says Junior Grace Skiba.
Shows that even though some people don’t think that what they are saying is mean, some people are more sensitive than other.
Opens adults’ eyes to the real struggles that teens face today. “I can speak from experience that ever since my mom has seen this show, she has had a completely different view of high school and takes more interest in my life in high school.” Says Junior Phil Mimmo. Maybe parents will be looking for more signs in their children.
The show is a more realistic way to portray depression and suicide rather than the videos shown in health class.
Forces teens to watch their actions and to recognize that everything you say to people can hold enormous weight. “I know that ever since I have seen the show, I have gone out of my way to compliment people, and have been watching everything I do and say.” Says Sophomore Chloe Pilione.
You never know what’s going on in someone’s life.
Gives depressed/ suicidal teens someone to relate to so they don’t feel alone
Shows the emotional effects of date rape
Not only bullying leads to suicide, mental illness does too. “Hannah Baker had more of a problem than just being bullied, says Junior Jillian Schear. “I think this show spreads awareness to those with depression as well.”
The film also people who are depressed know to speak up. “By watching Hannah, and seeing all the mistakes she makes by not speaking up, younger generations can see what she did wrong and learn from her mistakes” Says Junior Isabella Czekaj.
The show helps younger viewers prepare for high school, by showing them that there are mean people, but there are also many different ways you can get help.
The show can help teach students how to deal with certain situations “I can say from experience, that after watching the show I now know that talking to someone helps. I will never feel alone again, because this show has showed me that there are people who are willing to listen, and willing to help” Says sophomore Kiana Garcia