And the Winners of the NHS Elections Are:

April 28, 2017
The National Honors Society (NHS) 2017-18 Officers have been elected. The results are as follows:
President: Jaclyn Levendusky
Vice President: Stefanie Batavia
Historian: Emily Chen
Treasurer: Carly Jeon
First-year Credit Officer: Cassandra Lee
Second-year Credit Officer: Wilson Chen
Tutoring Officer (2): Arianna Chen, Paula Kaczynski
Recording Secretary: Pranav Nalamwar
Membership Coordinator: Audry Hong
Community Service Liaison: Jenn Cantilli
Corresponding Secretary: Olivia Lipuma
The results for the 2017-2018 NHS office election were finalized after candidates gave speeches on Wednesday, April 27th, and students voted shortly thereafter. The president and the vice president are responsible for overseeing the entire organization.The NHS is the nation’s premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students who show excellence in the areas of scholarship and service.
Each position is responsible for a different duty to make the NHS program successful for all 174 members. The corresponding secretary is responsible for composing emails; the community service liaison searches for community service opportunities; the membership coordinator keeps track of attendance at meetings; the recording secretary takes notes at each meeting; the tutoring officers run the tutoring program and keep track of service records, the treasurer keeps track of finances and paperwork; the historian takes pictures at the events and updates the bulletin boards; and the vice president and president oversee the run the program, according to Andrew Paolillo, NHS advisor.
“I think it is going to be a really good team, but I am somewhat disappointed by the lack of males represented on our slate of officers,” says Paolillo who hopes to change that next year by encouraging male students to run for office.