Custodial Staff: The True Heroes of Wayne Hills
This bulletin board is located in the hallway adjacent to the Commons and up the stairs.
May 1, 2017
The Random Acts of Kindness club has paid tribute to the custodial staff of WHHS and dubs them the “Superheroes of WHHS.”
This group of superheroes is made up of 13 men, all whom put in their hard work and dedication to this school.
Octavio Dominguez is the latest addition to the Wayne public school system being here for two and a half years.
On the other side of things there is Wayne schools veteran Jimmy Buttafuoco who has been with us, helping us keep this school pristine and beautiful, for 17 years. When asked how the Random Acts Of Kindness Club’s board made him feel, Jimmy said, “It was great to see all our names and stories on that board, it made me happy.” Jimmy also spoke about the relationship of the custodians, he said they’re all great friends. All though no hero does what he or she needs to do for the recognition does not mean these people don’t deserve a thank you. So next time you pass the commons and see the board learn about our Wayne Hills heroes and if you see them in person don’t forget to say thank you.
When asked how the Random Acts Of Kindness Club’s board made him feel, Jimmy said, “It was great to see all our names and stories on that board, it made me happy.” Jimmy also spoke about the relationship of the custodians, he said they’re all great friends. All though no hero does what he or she needs to do for the recognition does not mean these people don’t deserve a thank you. So next time you pass the commons and see the board learn about our WHHS heroes and if you see them in person don’t forget to say thank you.