The Student of the Month program is one used to highlight those who go above and beyond to make the halls of WHHS a happier and healthier place. Donna King in addition to the rest of the WHHS Climate Team choose the students of the month. Students are chosen based on their acts of respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, trustworthiness, and citizenship.
The Climate Team uses the Student of the Month as an opportunity to inspire students to better the overall climate of WHHS. “For the team, the Student of the Month represents what we want Hills to be known for. There is so much focus on the bad in the world but we know students are doing amazing, selfless things all the time,” says King.
Any teacher can nominate a student based on their positive actions throughout a certain period of time. The list of students is then shown to the Climate Team, and the Student of the Month is chosen by King.
February’s Student of the Month is Junior Patrick Gilmore. His picture is displayed outside of the library for all to see. Gilmore is a two time varsity basketball player and a model student. Gilmore was nominated by Beth O’Leary for his display of incredible leadership skill and great job of making everybody feel included.
“Its an honor to be recognized for an accolade like this considering there are so many students in the school,” says Gilmore.
Student of the Month is something every student should try and achieve. The goal of this is to not make it a competition, but to make the overall atmosphere at WHHS more positive, happy, and safe!