Wayne Hills Winter Guard Performs A Celebration Of Life
March 5, 2017
Twenty-two WHHS students come together twice a week during winter season to build up one competitive show for the rest of New Jersey to see. “Celebration of Life” is the 2017 Wayne Hills Millennia Winter Guard’s theme
The instructors are under the direction of Mr. Paterno, Mr. and Mrs. Darnsteadt, followed by the two senior captains Olivia Catania and Alexis Rossi. The two students have dedicated their time to Winter Guard and Marching Band for the past four years. Winter Guard consists of students dancing, spinning equipment, and showing emotions that interpret a story all in the matter of minutes. They use colorful flags, wooden rifles, and metal sabers. “We portray different elements of the universe like air, earth,water, and fire,” says Olivia Catania.
Only midway in the season, the Guard have competed against thirty different high schools in the state. When at competitions judges look for a clean performance, great facial expressions, and effort. The Winter Guard season is pretty long, this year it started in November and will extend to the end of April making it almost six months of practice time. They practice two nights during the school week and depending on if they having a competition they add a four hour practice on Saturdays right before the Competition.
“Although practice is tough at times, we make sure to constantly push each other while making difficult body moves, high tosses, and run through fun,” says Olivia. Outside of school, the group likes to still stay close and hang out. The two captains host guard sleepovers and themed practices ( such as pajama practice) in order to get to know everyone better. Anyone can join Winter Guard, no prior experience is required. The only performance at Wayne Hills is at Evening with the Arts on March 14th. Be sure to come out and support them!