Student Council Sponsors Blood Drive
December 22, 2016
The annual Blood Drive Organized by Community Blood Services came to our school on Friday, December 16th.
Everyone who was qualified to donate blood was welcomed, from teachers to students. With the help of two dozen workers and 10 student council members, the blood drive was up and running by 8 am and kept going until 3 o’clock.
Approximately 140 donors went to the blood drive between those hours. Michael Shale, a teacher of Wayne Hills, as well as the girls swim team coach said that he, “Thought it was great,” he also stated he was surprised because “Even though there is a kind of nervousness associated with needles, students still managed to donate blood and participate in this civil duty.”
All the blood donated will go to saving people’s lives, whether it’s for research or for people with emergency needs. For every one person who donates blood, three people are saved. With that said, both student and faculty members should be encouraged to donate blood regularly, every person counts. A healthy donor is advised to donate every two months, and if the donor decides to give platelets, they have to wait between three and four months to donate again.
Contact your community blood center for more information on any questions you may have on any donations you have given or may want to give in the future.