The newest animated Disney movie, Moana, was released on Thanksgiving, November 23rd, and was an emotional rollercoaster that is sure to take our breath away.
Moana is about a young, fourteen year old girl named Moana Waialiki, who embarks on a voyage across the sea to find the island fabled in her culture. She decides to travel on this dangerous mission, along with the demi-god, Maui, to save her tribe from a danger not yet revealed. Themes of friends and determination are constant throughout the movie.
Moana is not your average Disney character.
Unlike the previous princesses such as Snow White, Aurora, Ariel, Rapunzel and Belle, Moana is a woman of color. Very few movies have been made about princesses of other races including Mulan and Jasmine. Not only is Moana of a different culture, but she also shows how a woman’s ambition can be lead to success without solely depending on the help of a man. With her spirited and passionate personality, little girls will learn how to become strong and independent young women.
Moana doesn’t need a man to achieve her happily ever after.
“This movie is going to be a good one. I love Disney movies but I know this is definitely going to be a special one. Not only does it teach about the importance of a woman and race. Disney really did a good job,” said EJ Han, a sophomore.